After Corona, Now Florona: A Combination of Covid-19 and Influenza

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Recent developments worldwide have stirred fear in the hearts of millions. WHO claims that the combination of Delta and Omicron variants will serve as the root cause for the upcoming dangerous tsunami of respiratory illnesses. In this article, we are going to introduce you to Florona, a new deadly combination of flu and corona. Even the experts are clueless about what is going to happen next with multiple viruses infecting a single person and what virus spillovers may lead to. This situation needs to be addressed more seriously and a potential vaccine or antiviral therapy that works against all variants is the need of the hour. Before coming to Florona, let’s try to decipher how it actually comes into existence -

What Is A Virus ?

As we all know viruses are composed of single-stranded or double-stranded DNA or single-stranded RNA encapsulated by a protective protein coat. This organism uses the host organism's body machinery to grow and replicate itself.

Let's recall foremost the most commonly occurring respiratory viruses frequently infecting humans of all age groups. They are mainly adenoviruses, human bocavirus; human coronaviruses; human metapneumovirus; human influenza viruses better known as common flu and so on.

What are Coronaviruses and Why SARS-CoV-2 is a Major Concern ?

Coronaviruses (CoV) are a group of single-stranded RNA viruses that are constantly mutating and are responsible for the majority of respiratory tract infections in mammals and birds. These infections range from the common cold to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) including Covid-19. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) or Covid-19 is a highly transmissible and virulent strain of coronavirus responsible for the ubiquitously spread of the pandemic. All these infections cause serious implications for human beings.


Flu is a communicable respiratory illness that can be caused by any of the four types of influenza viruses A, B, C or D. Major symptoms vary from mild to severe throat and lung infections. Severe infections are usually accompanied by body aches, fatigue and chest congestion with complete blockage of the air passages.

What is an Antigenic Drift, Antigenic Shift and Reassortment in the Flu Viruses?

All viruses, including Coronaviruses and Flu viruses, change over time. Flu viruses constantly mutate via antigenic drift, antigenic shift and reassortment.

Antigenic drift comprises or accounts for smaller mutations that take place in the genetic code of influenza viruses during the process of infecting a new host, multiplying followed by replication. These changes in the genetic codes sometimes change the virus surface proteins conformations. The surface proteins of influenza viruses HA (hemagglutinin) and NA (neuraminidase) are those that get primarily recognized by the human immune system and trigger the production of antibodies against all Flu viruses. In fact, all Flu shots and nasal spray flu vaccine (LAIV) are devised to target these two surface proteins.

As Flu viruses keep on replicating and transferring into new organisms adopting new mechanisms of working, smaller changes in the genetic code (antigenic drifts) pile up over time. The final result is the formation of two different viruses that turn out to be antigenically different from one another i.e. they no longer have similar surface proteins. 
Antigenic drift is a huge disadvantage to humans as old vaccines become obsolete and the body’s immune mechanism collapses with increased susceptibility to flu infection from the newly developed variant of influenza virus.


Antigenic Drift changes the virus’ properties to an extent that existing antibodies fail to recognize these modified flu pathogens and foreign invaders easily pass through all three lines of defence.


Flu viruses that share the common ancestor and are closely related generally work on similar lines and have in-common antigenic properties. This caters to the fact that antibodies created by the human body will most likely recognize some antigens prototypical in all flu viruses. The immune system will try to get rid of these pathogens and this phenomenon is better known as ‘cross-protection’ by many.


Antigenic shift occurs when a sudden or major change takes place in the existing virus genetic code. This consequently results in modifying the nature of the two surface glycoproteins of the Influenza A virus that infect humans. Antigenic shift results in the creation of the new flu or subtype of Influenza Viruses. This is bound to happen when viruses of animal origins with different surface properties than that of human virions adapt to the human body mechanism. Thus, the newly synthesised virus overrides the human body's innate immunity and despite being vaccinated a person repeatedly catches flu again and again.

If two influenza viruses infect an organism together at the same time Reassortment can occur while they both replicate within the host. This is a process in which influenza viruses swap gene segments with each other and exchange virulence factors. This amplifies a virus resistance against existing flu vaccines and anti-influenza drugs.

Florona {Flu +Corona}

“Florona" as the name says is a simultaneous infection of Corona and Flu i.e COVID-19 and Influenza to any living person, with the first recorded case in Israel.


Florona occurs when a person gets “co-infected” by SARS-CoV-2 and the Flu virus at the same time. Any strain of Coronavirus (any variant) when in conjunction with any type of influenza virus; then the person is said to be suffering from Florona disease.


In severe cases, a person suffering from Florona develops serious complications in the body that include pneumonia and inflammation of the heart muscles.


All we know about it is that a double infection occurs in very high activity, especially in winters. With Overburdened Health-Care Systems, flu season at its peak and unventilated crowded spaces led to infection from both COVID-19 and influenza.

Similarities and Differences Between Corona, Flu and Florona

A brief analysis of the similarities and differences observed amidst all three of them -


Coronaviruses and influenza variants mutate and do change over time. Both viruses target the respiratory system severely and can lead to death if conditions worsen or timely medication is not provided. Incase of Florona, the simultaneous presence of Corona and Influenza in a single person's body results in a major breakdown of the immune system with combined effects.


  • Coronaviruses and Influenza variants mutate and do change over time. While Florona = {Corona + Flu} can develop from any variant of corona combined with any type of influenza viruses - A, B, C or D.

  • All Flu viruses and the Novel Coronavirus spread faster and usually asymptomatically. Symptoms appear long after a person has been in close contact with many others.

  • All Flu viruses and the Novel Coronavirus plus Florona spread via respiratory droplets, aerosol, or small particles through inhalation or ingestion.

  • All Corona, Flu and Florona share the same symptoms and signs of infections up to varying degrees i.e. from being asymptomatic to causing severe illness and complications in individuals.

Common symptoms:

  • Fever or feeling feverish/having chills
  • Cough and cold
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty in breathing
  • Fatigue (tiredness)
  • Sore throat
  • Runny or stuffy nose
  • Muscle pain, joint and body aches
  • Headache
  • Vomiting and diarrhoea
  • Loss of appetite
  • Change in or loss of taste or smell that is more common in Covid-19
  • Weakened Immune system

Complications that arise if conditions worsen -

  • Pneumonia
  • Sepsis
  • Respiratory failure
  • Consistent pain in the chest or seizures
  • Cardiac arrest or stroke
  • Multiple-organ failure
  • Inflammation in organs, blood vessels and muscle tissues
  • Secondary infections -bacterial or fungal infections
  • Have a long-term damaging effect


  • All viruses use separate mechanisms to enter inside the cells or infect any new organism.

  • As the causative virus is different, all viral diseases have different treatments and different vaccines.

  • Identifying infections and differentiating them from each other is possible in laboratories using diagnostic kits. Various tests render information about the causal pathogens behind all respiratory infections, types of breathing problems and lung infections.

  • In Florona and Corona, the following difference in time of incubation has been observed - Pathogens enter via the respiratory tract and Florona symptoms appear in the infected person within 2-10 days. This symbolizes that the risk of catching an infection or spreading the virus is greater during the initial days. All COVID-19 variants have different incubation periods but usually, symptoms appear after 4-10 days time-lapse from the point of contact with an infected person.
  • All COVID-19 viruses and Flu viruses spread in an alike manner but the Coronaviruses are pathologically more active. They have been observed to be more contagious than Flu viruses.
  • COVID-19 also spreads with ease and at a quicker pace as compared to Flu. This means the virus has not only developed resistance but is mutating at rapid speed. COVID-19 is more infectious and transmits with an estimated R number (a term to define, In how much speed the virus is spreading) of 2.5 to 3 that varies from one variant to another. According to some research, it is found that the virus lasts or remains active for 4 hours on copper, 24 hours on cardboard and 72 hours on plastics as well as steel.

Treatment and Vaccine

Thankfully, treatment and diagnosis of all variants of the Corona, types of Influenza cum Florona is possible. Any of these respiratory diseases can be easily identified and discriminated from one another via a single sample collected from the patient.

Vaccines are available worldwide for both Flu and COVID-19. The best way to prevent Flu or Corona occurrence in the very first place is by getting vaccinated against both of them. There is a lot in common among all three of them. Hence the recommended precautionary measures and suggested remedies working against influenza cum Covid-19 are equally applicable to Florona as well.



Cure for every respiratory illness is possible if it gets timely diagnosed. Consulting doctors and getting recommended tests done should be the prime objective of every other person; who is witnessing the above-mentioned symptoms. Some other solutions to deal with the ongoing pandemic in the case of inadequate knowledge is to do pre-planning, abiding by government-enforced restrictions and consuming prescribed medications.

These are some quick precautions that one should take to avoid coming in contact with all the above-mentioned viruses:

  • Stay away from crowded places
  • Maintain appropriate distance in hospitals
  • Wear a mask whenever you are out of the house
  • Keep an arm’s length distance while standing in a line
  • Don’t eat open street food or half-cooked food
  • Ensure proper ventilation in the places and settings you visit often
  • Avoid touching doors, handles and unidentified objects in your immediate surroundings outside your house
  • Sanitize your hands before eating
  • Opening windows and doors of your house for proper ventilation
  • Sanitize and wash eatables and surroundings routinary
  • Cleaning your hands regularly is an unsaid mandate
  • Quarantine yourself immediately if you observe any signs or symptoms.

What to Expect Keeping in Mind the Current Scenario ?

The viruses that cause COVID-19 are mutating at a rapid rate. Experts are discovering new viral strains on a daily basis. Findings state more and more types of drug-resistant influenza viruses are experiencing a major antigenic drift or antigenic shift.

It has become impossible to predict the trajectory of how these viruses are going to evolve or behave in the near future. These constantly mutating viruses are effectuating a drastic change in the face of mankind and the societal structure that we live in.

To minimize the risk of developing frequent infections and to boost immunity, it is highly recommended to get fully vaccinated and also simultaneously take up-to-date flu shots. This will automatically cut down the risk of any individual becoming infected with Florona.

Virus spillovers are random and recombination of viruses to form hybrids is a rare phenomenon that came to light in this ongoing pandemic. Therefore, developing vaccines beforehand becomes impossible. A “universal flu vaccine” which would immune human society against all respiratory virus mutants seems impossible, but the only potential solution in the wake of this widespread pandemic.
Don’t lose hope! All Covid Care essentials that you need in this seemingly unceasing pandemic are available in abundance on Ubuy. Meanwhile, Stay at home and be safe.


For this article, information was gathered from various resources available online and offline after doing intense research issued in the general public interest. The products listed on our website do not guarantee prevention or cure from Covid-19 or Influenza variants. If any person is suffering from the  above-mentioned symptoms, he should take precautions as per covid guidelines issued from time to time by health authorities. Consult the doctor as soon as possible and consume prescribed medicines only.

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